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Cancer Pain Interventions

  • COELIAC PLEXUS BLOCK – Upper Abdominal malignancies (Pancreas, Gallbladder, Stomach, Omentum, Mesentry , Gut till transverse colon).

  • STELLATE GANGLION BLOCK – Head and neck pain, CRPS type I and II.

  • T2-T3 BLOCK – Upper limb pain, lymphedema in breast cancer, Cancer pain from esophagus, heart, bronchi, trachea, lung and pleura.

  • LUMBAR SYMPATHETIC BLOCK – Neuropathic pain (Lower limb), Lymphedema of thigh/leg, Inoperable peripheral vascular disease, Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), phantom limb pain after amputation, Herpes zoster pain in immunosupression.
  • TRIGEMINAL AND GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL BLOCK – Neuralgia of face, oral malignancy, tongue lesions.

  • GANGLION IMPAR BLOCK – Cancer of perineum (CA rectum/anal canal), Chronic benign pain syndromes like perineal neuralgia and coccydynia.

  • SUPERIOR HYPOGASTRIC BLOCK – Chronic pain originating from pelvic viscera such as decending colon or rectum, Tumors from uterus, ovary, cervix, endometriosis, Excruciating pain due to interstitial cystitis, neurogenic bladder and bladder tumour, Ca Prostate, testis, epididymis, Bone tumour of sacrum.

  • CONTINUOUS EPIDURAL/INTRATHECAL CATHETERS – Refractory cancer pain not responding to other methods.

  • VERTEBROPLASTY – Bone metastasis (Multiple myeloma, CA prostate, CA breast and CA prostate), osteoporosis, vertebral collapse.

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