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Say No To Pain

All forms and degrees of cancer pain are managed effectively via a combination of the proven WHO step ladder approach and implementation of recent advances in the field. Treatment ranges from prescribing medicines that the patient can administer at home to advanced procedures that are performed in the Operation theatre. All of our procedures require Local Anaesthesia in a conscious patient. We firmly believe in making your journey as pain free as feasible.

What is Pain

An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. - International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)

Nociceptive Cancer Pain

  • Somatic Pain – Bone, skin, muscle, joint capsule. eg, Bony metastasis pain.
  • Visceral Pain – Visceral organs. eg, Cancer of the pancreas, gall bladder, liver, stomach, kidney, etc.

Neuropathic Pain

  • Burning and tingling sensation.
  • Due to injury to nervous tissue. - eg, Tumor pressing on the nerves or spinal cord, chemotherapy/radiation induced damage to nervous tissue.

Central Sensitization pain

  • Common cause of “Refractory Cancer Pain”.
  • Occur due to changes in the central nervous system in long standing cancer pain.

Phantom pain

  • Individual experiences pain relating to a limb or an organ that is not physically part of the body.
  • Post amputation pain.

Neuropathic Pain

  • Burning and tingling sensation.
  • Due to injury to nervous tissue. - eg, Tumor pressing on the nerves or spinal cord, chemotherapy/radiation induced damage to nervous tissue.

Breakthrough pain (BTP)

  • Idiopathic (Spontaneous pain) – No obvious precipitating factor.
  • End of dose pain – Occur when the dose of medicine drops below analgesic levels.
  • Incidental pain – Usually due to some movement like incident pain due to bony metastasis.

Referred Pain

  • Pain starts in one area of the body and person feels pain in a different location. eg, Lung cancer pain referred to shoulder.

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